Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know when I need my chimney cleaned?
The NFPA recommends cleaning every year or every cord of wood burned. If you burn hedge or other sticky woods, this may need to happen sooner. Burn only quality, seasoned hardwoods to keep your chimney flue in optimal health.
I just bought a house and I’ve never had a fireplace before, what should I expect?
You should get it inspected by a qualified chimney professional before you have a fire. It is important that the chimney is in safe working order and free of blockages or creosote that could cause a fire.
What is the difference between a Level 1 and a Level 2 Inspection?
A Level 1 is a visual chimney inspection. A Level 2 is with a camera running up the flue. With a Level 2, you can see everything we can see. Level 2 inspections can only be done on masonry chimneys.
Do you clean out Ash Pits?
Not typically. This is a regular maintenance issue that homeowners need to undertake. If you have a particularly difficult to reach ash pit or you’re getting water in it, give us a call so we can assess it.
How can I get a free estimate?
Call the office and schedule an estimate. We do free EXTERIOR estimates only, typically diagnosing brick and flashing problems.
Why do I have to pay for you to come check out my chimney?
A chimney inspection, to check the safety and integrity of your chimney requires an appointment and does have an inspection fee. It’s no different than calling a Heating and Cooling Company to check out your furnace or air conditioner, there is a fee for a service call.
Do the chimney sweeping logs you can buy at a store work?
These logs will sometimes help loosen sticky creosote, but they do not sweep it away. It still remains in your chimney, which is dangerous when it builds up and can lead to a chimney fire. You can loosen the creosote all you want but it has to be swept away and cleared out.
My chimney smells, what can I do?
You probably need a chimney cleaning; you also may have a water problem, which is making your chimney smell of mildew or sticky creosote.
I have wasps, what can I do?
If you have a masonry chimney, the best bet is installing a top mounted damper, which seals air flow (and critters) from the top.
Do I need a chimney cap?
Chimney Caps serve as spark arrestors, which can save your house/roof in a fire. It also keeps critters out of your flue and rainwater from entering your flue. We spend a lot of time getting large bird and squirrel nests out of flues in the spring and summer. A cap can solve the problem and keep your chimney clear of debris.
What form of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, credit cards or checks at time of service